Why Travelling Is Best Than Staying Home

Traveling is basically the motion of humans between different geographical locations. Travel can generally be done by car, plane, train, bicycle, foot, bus, boat or any other mode of transportation, with or without baggage, and is usually one way to get from one point to another. Most modern people are very sociable and outgoing, so travel is often done as a group activity or vacation with extended family and friends. It can include traveling to a new country, or to another part of the world for special occasions, business or vacation.

Research has indicated that people from close contact environments, such as families, are at a greater risk of some types of cancers. This is especially true of cancers of the lymphatic and gastrointestinal system, which are generally associated with living in close contact environments. Traveling while traveling increases the possibility of contracting such cancers when people come into close contact with their home countries’ travelers, as well as those in surrounding countries, during their travels.

There are several other ways that travel can increase the risk of illness. Traveling can cause immune system issues, especially if traveling during an epidemic or while exposed to a virus that is not local or seasonal. The virus can enter through the mouth and throat, from touching things used by infected people, or coming into contact with the blood or saliva of an infected person. Traveling during times of increased illness, increases the risk of illness. Traveling abroad during an outbreak can also cause an increased risk of severe illness, especially if travel is from countries affected by an outbreak. Traveling during an outbreak increases the risk of traveler’s diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis A, HIV and some cancers of the digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract.

There is an increased risk of death during travel from certain endemic regions or countries, such as those in Southeast Asia. This risk increases with increased duration of stay, but can also occur due to exposure to poor sanitary conditions, such as in Lagos, Nigeria or Taipei, Taiwan. Traveling abroad during the dry season can also increase the risk of severe illness. Travelers who contract severe illness or disease while traveling from countries with high mortality rates, such as Africa, are at a particularly high risk for contracting certain diseases when traveling abroad.

When comparing traveling versus travelling during certain seasons and times, the United States is actually a very high country risk for travelers compared to the rest of the world. The US is one of the leading causes of death for travelers outside of North America. The risk of death from illness while traveling abroad increases by about fifty percent for people who travel from Canada to the US. People who travel from the United Kingdom to the United States are at a lower risk of illness when compared to those who travel from the United Kingdom to Europe.

When comparing traveling and staying home, the benefits of traveling abroad are clear. It allows people to experience cultures other than their own. It allows people to experience new sites and experiences. It allows people to immerse themselves in the activities and communities of their choice. When taking these benefits into account, it is easy to see why travelling should be a preferred option rather than simply deciding between either staying home or traveling. The best way to decide between these options is to research your options and weigh the pros and cons.